Monografia (especialização)
Análise de edifício residencial segundo regulamento técnico da qualidade para níveis de eficiência energética em edificações residenciais - RTQ-R
Tatiana Fernandes Pedrosa
The aim of this paper is to analyze the electricity efficiency of a residence building with six distinct units, two of them “duplex” (roof top), located at Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brazil. The building was analyzed according the prescriptive method of the technical quality regulation of the level of energy efficiency of residential buildings, RTQ-R. After that, an evaluation of the possible changes in the project was made to obtain a better final classification of the units. The changes were submitted to a financial analysis to attest the viability of their implantation. It was concluded that nowadays the architect has a fundamental role in planning the electricity efficiency of the buildings, usually related only with the light system or the air-conditioning, but getting an larger meaning, related to
adequate architectural patterns regarding the climate context. Many times simple solutions with short-term investment return, can guarantee a better energy performance and long term benefits to the building.