Artigo de Periódico
Fundamentações teóricas para a criação de um modelo de gestão da informação para o contexto da avaliação de cursos de graduação
Daniel Mendes Barbosa
Marcello Peixoto Bax
Scientific studies in the information science field who study the information and knowledge management (IKM) in specific organizations' contexts are common. However, there are few studies on the management of academic information for higher education institutions (HEIs). The article describes a study that aims to create an information management model to this context. A brief description of the research topic and an initial outline of the scope of academic information management was made, in the context of undergraduate courses evaluation. An interdisciplinary literature review was done containing concepts related to three main areas: IKM, technologies for the management of academic information and management of academic information. This review relies, in this first moment, just on the way evaluations are conducted and on the study of current legislation and authors' experience. Thus, the article shows the importance of academic information management for the improvement of higher education in Brazil.