| Monografia (especialização)
Efeito do exercício mais educação em neurociência da dor na dor e funcionalidade em indivíduos com dor lombar persistente
Samantha Lucilia Cruz
Introduction: Of multifactorial etiology, low back pain can be defined as a pain that is found in the region between the last rib and the gluteal fold, and may or may not follow a referral path to the lower limbs. With a great social impact, low back pain can generate the need to be away, including from the workplace due to social isolation and from any activities that can reproduce the pain, and which can also include simple day-today activities, resulting in a great disability. functional. Among the active strategies during the treatment of low back pain, and with the role that physiotherapy plays, needing to use a complete approach of practical and scientific knowledge. Education in Neuroscience of pain is a strategic educational approach that favors information in order to educate the patient's behavior and coping with low back pain. Obtaining great improvements when associated with exercises. Purpose: The main purpose of thisstudy was to carry out a broad review of articles that demonstrate the effect of pain neuroscience education (NPS) on pain, disability
and functionality in patients with persistent low back pain. Methodology: This is a narrative review of the literature. Searches were carried out in the PubMed and PEDro databases. The inclusion criteria were: randomized clinical trials published from 2017 to November 2022, which addressed NDT associated with exercises, in English and Portuguese. Results: The searches resulted in 19 articles in the PubMed database and 3 articles in the PEDro database, totaling 22 articles. Applying inclusion and exclusion criteria
and excluding duplicate articles, five publications were selected for the final sample. Conclusion: Pain neuroscience education, when combined with other forms of interventions such as motor control and stabilization exercises, can bring good results in the treatment of pain and disability in individuals with chronic low back pain when compared to exercises in isolated forms, proven in the four selected studies. However, more studies are needed to explore the intervention time, form of application and the frequency with which the NDT is applied.