Ateliês fotobiográficos: uma interseção da fotografia com a pesquisa (auto)biográfica no contexto da arte/educação
Alexandra Simões de Siqueira
This is a (auto)biographical research about my journey as an artist, teacher and researcher, considering my relationship with photography and the emergence of the proposal for photobiographical studios. Objectively, the subject of investigation is the potential, limits and questions of the intersection of photography with biographical research for art/education. This is also a survey impacted by the context of the COVID 19 pandemic and had to be reinvented with the suspension of all planned face-to-face activities. Facing the obstacles of the pandemic it became a research in images. As a “listening” of the visible, it was an investigation into what images can reveal about the proposal of photobiographical workshops, based on dialogue with authors such as Christine Delory-Momberger, Vilen Flusser, Ana Mae Barbosa, Philippe Dubois, Aby Warburg, Georges Didi-Huberman, Lucia Pimentel and Paulo Freire. I conclude with the formalization of photobiographical studios as a pedagogical proposal for teaching/learning in art.