Uma análise do serviço de referência arquivístico na justiça comum nos estados de Alagoas e de Minas Gerais
Suliane Barros Leal
The Common Justice Archival Reference Service plays the role of facilitator between users and access to information from documents in order to guide them on related topics of interest, in a managed manner. Access to information contained in archival documents is defended as a constitutional right and regulated by the Law on Archives, or Law 8.159/1991, and later by the Access to Information Law, or Law 12,527/2011. The National Program for Document Management and Memory of the Judiciary provides management and research tools and also the need to implement reliable digital archival repositories RDC- Arq. The Archival Reference Services of two Common Justices, the state of Alagoas and the state of Minas Gerais, were studied, considering the relevance of the subject, even because it is a topic with little research yet. The main objective of this dissertation was to investigate the Reference Service, understood as an archival service, of the Brazilian Common Justice, with emphasis on Alagoas and Minas Gerais. The specific objectives were: To analyze the management of the Reference Service regarding access to information produced and received in processes that make up the archives of the Brazilian Common Justice, more specifically that of the states of Alagoas and Minas Gerais; To analyze the state of the art of research on Reference Services in the Brazilian context in the field of Information Science, particularly in the field of Archival Science; Identify the archival research instruments in the Reference Services studied; Analyze the Reference Service offered in the files of the Common Justice of the state of Alagoas; Analyze the Reference Service offered in the files of the Common Justice of the state of Minas Gerais; and Point out the similarities and differences between the Researched Reference Services. Finally, it was sought to explain how the files of the Common Justice of the states of Alagoas and Minas Gerais comply with the norms issued by the National Council of Justice, in line with the National Council of Archives, respecting the fundamental right of access to the information produced and received in this scope enshrined in the current Constitution, through the Reference Service. The perspective adopted was the construction of an analytical study between the provision of this Reference Service and the appreciation of a methodology oriented towards the qualitative development of the archival instruments of each one, from a multiple case study. The analysis of each Reference Service was contemplated, in a methodical way, based on semi-structured interviews and collection of information through questionnaires. This study aimed to show that research on the Archival Reference Service is part of the field of interest of Information Science, since it is also consistent with the availability of information. The research proved to be a contributor to a topic that has not yet been researched. However, the topic is not exhausted and points out that there is much to be studied.