Monografia (especialização)
Efeito de intervenções não cirúrgicas na tendinopatia dos fibulares: uma revisão de literatura
Verônica Gonçalves dos Santos Damasceno
Peroneal tendinopathy is a musculoskeletal disorder that is difficult to diagnose initially. Its pathophysiology represents a non-inflammatory degenerative process within the tendons. The most common symptoms reported are ankle pain, swelling and instability. Surgical treatment involves open exploration of the peroneal tendons, which can bring complications such as increased scar formation, adhesions, sulcus stenosis, sural nerve injury, and prolonged postoperative immobilization. Peroneal tendinopathy may respond well to conservative treatment, ruling out the need for surgical intervention. Therefore, the objective of this study was to carry out a
literature review to describe the effects of non-surgical treatments used in the rehabilitation process of individuals with peroneal tendinopathy. A search was performed in four databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, SCIELO PEDro. Studies carried out with individuals with peroneal tendinopathy and classified as clinical trial or case report, were considered eligible. Two studies were considered eligible for this review. Both studies used joint mobilization and tendon strengthening as a training protocol. Improvements in impairments (pain, talocrural dorsiflexion, unilateral heel raises and anterior reaching) and function (level of difficulty performing various functional tasks and perceived change in the individual's condition) were identified, in addition to return to work and exercise routine recreational without limitations. Despite these findings, it is important to interpret the results of this literature review with caution and consider that clinical trials with adequate methodological quality are necessary.