Artigo de Periódico
Infraestrutura das escolas rurais de educação básica: desigualdades em relação ao meio urbano desigualdades em relação ao meio urbano
Michael Daian Pacheco Ramos
Edmilson Antonio Pereira Junior
Dalila Andrade Oliveira
The article analyzes aspects of the infrastructure of schools located in rural areas, comparing them to urban establishments. Census data were used for Basic Education in the country, which allowed to verify the existence or not of inequalities between the characteristics of these two types of schools. The results showed the existence of an abyssal structural difference between urban and rural schools, whose precariousness of the infrastructure aspects of the schools is directly related to the process of valuation of education professionals. In rural areas, schools were identified that did not have management and teachers’ rooms, secretaries, laboratories, libraries, bathrooms and kitchen.