Artigo de Periódico
Condições de trabalho dos professores e satisfação profissional: uma análise em sete Estados do Brasil
Dalila Andrade Oliveira
Edmilson Antonio Pereira Junior
Natalia de Santana Revi
The text describes indicators developed to assess aspects of teaching in basic education and analyses the multiple associations of these aspects that allow the understanding of the context of professionals in schools. The metrics were produced through the Survey on Basic Education in Brazil, carried out by the Group of Studies on Educational Policy and Teaching Work (GESTRADO/UFMG) in seven states of the country. The metrics produced provide a broad view of the subjective experiences of teachers in the environments in which they teach. These include the perceptions of the conditions of the school, perceptions of the conditions of the classroom, and job satisfaction. The joint analysis of these constructs empirically testifies to the fact that the network of relationships between them, established from previous knowledge about the subject through literature review and focus group discussions portrays the researched reality.