Artigo de Periódico
Intrusão de molares superiores com ancoragem em mini-implantes
Juliana Volpato Curi Paccini
Júnior Carlos Santana Saraiva
Virgílio de Miranda Camargo
Rodrigo Hermont Cançado
Karina Maria Salvatore de Freitas
Fabricio Pinelli Valarelli
Daniel Sundfeld Neto
The miss of teeth may result in the extrusion of teeth antagonists that cause periodontal problems and occlusal interferences. The extrusions are difficult to correct dental and why it is recommended to make a skeletal anchorage that provides adequate control of forces, both in magnitude and direction. Theuse of absolute anchorage with mini-implants is a recent technique in orthodontics that simplifies mechanics, and in many cases enables therapy, decreasing the treatment time. However they should be used with caution since the time of installation, removal and application of forces in order to avoid side effects on teeth being intrusion and instability of the mini-implant disabling its function. The present work reports a case with miss of mandibular molars, extruding bilateral upper molar intrusion and treatment of molars using mini-implants as absolute anchorage