Response of eichhornia crassipes (pontederiaceae) to water level fluctuations in two lakes with different connectivity in the Paraná river floodplain
2008-06Registro en:
Neiff, Juan José, Casco, Sylvina Lorena y Poi de Neiff, Alicia Susana Guadalupe, 2008. Response of eichhornia crassipes (pontederiaceae) to water level fluctuations in two lakes with different connectivity in the Paraná river floodplain. Revista de Biología Tropical. Costa Rica: Universidad de Costa Rica, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 613-623. ISSN-e 2215-2075.
Neiff, Juan José
Casco, Sylvina Lorena
Poi, Alicia Susana Guadalupe
Floodplain lakes are especially dynamic due to the irregular flow regime of the Paraná River and its
location along the geomorphologic gradient between the lakes and the river. The response of Eichhornia cras sipes (Mart.) Solms (one of the most frequent aquatic plant) was studied in two floodplain lakes with different
flooding regimes. Samples were taken between March 1997 and December 2001 on 13 different hydrologic
conditions during prolonged hydrologic connection and prolonged hydrologic isolation. Leaf height, leaf den sity, biomass and nutrient content of the mature leaves of E. crassipes were measured and related to water level
fluctuation and the hydrologic connectivity. The lake more connected with the main channel had a long lasting
inundation phase. In this condition the surface area covered by water increased more than three times compared
to prolonged hydrologic isolation condition. As river water entered the floodplain lakes, dissolved inorganic
nitrogen increased to high values, especially NO3
, whereas the isolation condition was characterised by a
decrease in NO3
concentrations to undetectable levels. Compared to plants growing in the more isolated lake,
those growing in the more connected lake had a significantly lower leaf density, longer leaves, less root biomass
and lower ratio between below-ground and above-ground biomasses. However, total and leaf biomasses were
not significantly different between sites. In each lake, differences in leaf height, leaf biomass and root biomass
between prolonged hydrologic connection and isolation, as well as the insignificant relationship between leaf
size and leaf density, indicate that the morphological traits of E. crassipes respond to pluri-annual water level
fluctuations. The highest nutrient concentration in mature leaves was registered at the end of the prolonged
hydrologic connection in the more connected lake. During the prolonged isolation, leaves had more lignin and
a higher L:N ratio than at high waters, at the same sites. The success of E. crassipes in occupying habitats sub jected to wide and erratic fluctuations in water level, such as the Paraná River floodplain, appears to be related
to its ability to modify morphological traits according to water level. Se analiza la respuesta de Eichhornia crassipes, una
de las plantas acuáticas más frecuentes en la planicie de
inundación del río Paraná, a las fluctuaciones del río en
dos lagos con diferente conectividad. Las muestras fueron
tomadas en 13 condiciones hidrológicas entre Marzo de
1997 y Diciembre de 2001. Durante el periodo de prolongada conectividad hidrológica, el área cubierta por el agua
aumenta más de tres veces y el contenido de nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto fue mayor en comparación con la condición
de prolongado aislamiento. En comparación con las plantas
del lago más aislado del río, las del más conectado tuvieron
significativamente menor densidad de hojas, hojas más
largas, menor biomasa de raíces y menor cociente entre la
biomasa de las partes aéreas y las partes sumergidas. Las
diferencias en la altura y la biomasa de hojas y raíces entre
diferentes condiciones hidrológicas y la no significativa
relación entre el tamaño y su densidad, indican que las
características morfológicas de las plantas responden a
fluctuaciones del nivel del agua. Durante la prolongada
conexión con el río el contenido de nutrientes de las hojas
maduras fue alto, en tanto que durante el aislamiento prolongado las hojas tuvieron mayor contenido de lignina y
alto cociente L:N. El éxito de Eichhornia crassipes en la
ocupación de hábitats sujetos a amplias y erráticas fluctuaciones del nivel del agua parece estar relacionado con su
capacidad para modificar sus características morfológicas
en función de las fluctuaciones del nivel del agua.