Gelation, thermal and pasting properties of pigeon pea (cajanus cajan l.), dolichos bean (dolichos lablab l.) and jack bean (canavalia ensiformis) flours
2013-11Registro en:
Acevedo, Belén Andrea, et al., 2013. Gelation, thermal and pasting properties of pigeon pea (cajanus cajan l.), dolichos bean (dolichos lablab l.) and jack bean (canavalia ensiformis) flours. Journal of Food Engineering. Ámsterdam: Elsevier, vol. 119, no. 1, p. 65-71. ISSN 0260-8774.
Acevedo, Belén Andrea
Avanza, María Victoria
Chaves, María Guadalupe
Ronda, Felicidad
This study evaluated the rheological, thermal and pasting properties of pigeon pea (PP), dolichos bean (DB) and jack bean (JB) legume flours and gels. Starch and protein contents were also measured and its molecular weight distribution was determined by electrophoresis. PP and DB showed the highest viscosities while JB had the highest pasting temperature. The minimum flour concentrations for gel formation were estimated at 6–8% for DB and PP and 10% for JB. Above these concentrations all flour
suspensions heated to 95 C led to gels with a solid-like behavior. Differential scanning calorimetry showed two endothermic peaks in all flours at 80–89 C and 96–100 C. Avrami model was successfully fitted to the hardening kinetics of PP and DB gels stored at 4 C. The half-life times were 22 and 6 h for PP and DB respectively. PP and DB flours were able to form self-supporting gels and could be applied in the formulation of gel-like foods.