Vicios redhibitorios : caracterización jurídica y fundamentos económicos de una institución ancestral
2017-11-02Registro en:
Piris, Cristian Ricardo Abel
En este trabajo veremos las razones por las cuales este segmento de la responsabilidad civil amerita soluciones jurídicas “locales” para hacer frente a sus particularidades. Tomaremos una visión panorámica del camino recorrido por el régimen de daños al consumidor hasta su estado actual, viendo sus avances tanto en el common law como en el civil law. Por último, vamos a presentar el estado actual de la materia marcando sus propiedades caracterizantes a nivel general, es decir, sin aludir a ningún régimen jurídico en particular, para finalmente identificar tendencias que nos permitan proyectar posibles caminos de desarrollo futuro. The central question concerning latent defects is whether delivering a thing hidden defects can be classified as contract compliance. In the law, since the time of ancient Rome was not understood. But then there is the question: why the existence of hidden defects no use to declare simply has been infringed the principal obligation to deliver the goods sold in the agreed conditions? The only consistent answer is appealed to for reasons of utility, to practical issues to facilitate traffic. The system of hidden defects is based on economic foundations, not legals as eviction, and tends to assure the purchaser a usefulpossession (Castan Tobeñas, 1993. p. 121). It’s a course of strict liability of the transferor, who owes warranty terms albeit in good faith. The existence of bad faith only serves to aggravate the situation of him, and enable compensation for damages, but this is not refund the price to be in all cases. It’s clear that what is intended is to restore balance between benefits. The purchaser has paid a price to get a good, considering determined view profits of the thing. These utilities do not arise from his imagination but are themselves the fate of the thing, but if not used to that, the buyer is impaired. Hence this guarantee allows reciprocal refund of the price and the thing or the price decrease in extent equivalent to the cost of the defect. The Economic Analysis of Law coincides with the solution but gives the issue a new approach looking at the social utility and not the benefits balance. Vices are cases of bilateral damages; in which detection can invest both buyer and seller, and corresponds bear the risk of it to that guy that manera cheaper can avoid them.