master thesis
La prevaricación por desconocimiento del precedente judicial en Colombia
2022-12-19Registro en:
Rengifo Caicedo, P- (2022) La prevaricación por desconocimiento del precedente judicial en Colombia. Bogotá D.C. [Trabajo de Maestría, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio Institucional.
Rengifo Caicedo, Paola
The purpose of this investigation is to establish whether or not the possibility of incurring in the criminal conduct of breach of official duty by action due to ignorance of jurisprudential precedent by judicial officials is likely to affect the principle of individual judicial independence, defined as the one that regards the judge specifically as an independent official even from other members of the judiciary, who must settle the conflicts brought to their attention by applying the law free of any incentive or urgency.