Caracterización inmunohistoquímica de tumores de hipófisis en pacientes neuroquirúrgicos en la Fundación Cardio Infantil entre 2010 y 2018
Castro Rojas, Paola Andrea
Arévalo castillo, Natalia Cristina
Hypophysis tumors rank third with nearly 15 % of the cases among primary tumors in the central nervous system taking into account the few national statistics about the prevalence of pituitary adenomas and its relationship with patients’ prognosis and treatment. General objective: Describing the frequency of occurrence of the different types of pituitary adenomas (PA´s) according to the clinical description of a group of patients that were neurosurgically intervened in the Fundación Cardioinfantil (FCI) between 2010 and 2018. Methodology: this research protocol proposes a descriptive and transversal study and aims at generating a convenience sampling considering that the data selection will be carried out based on defined criteria. The study population will consist of patients operated of PA’s during the period from 2010 to 2018 in FCI who have an immunohistochemical study and meet the inclusion criteria. Patients with recurrent tumors will be also included. Statistical tests will be conducted to determine the association between the different variables of analysis and the type of tumors in line with the variables characteristics and the measurement scale.