Incidencia, agentes etiológicos y factores de riesgo para infección post-operatoria del sistema nervioso central en la fundación cardioinfantil de Bogotá, Colombia, entre los años 2012 y 2017 .
Arámbula Neira, Juan Guillermo
Aristizábal Ortiz, Santiago
Calderón Sánchez, Juan David
Espitia Pedraza, Johan Sebastián
The subject of this article is to determine the incidence, the causative agents and the risk factors of the post-operative infections in the central nervous system, by describing the physical characteristics of the sample population. Doing an examination of the different risk factors according to the literature, the relation with the disease, and the etiologic agent, this study is a retrospective cohort in a population of patients ≥16 years old that underwent neurosurgical craneal procedures in the hospital Fundación Cardioinfantil in Bogota, Colombia, from January 2012 to June 2017. The sample of 385 patients had a precision of 3% and a confidence interval of 95%. The following variables were taken into account: use of platelet antiaggregant, sex, age, antibiotic prophylaxis, culture result for microorganism causing infection, type of surgery, surgery time, CSF drainage, CSF leak and reoperation. The relation between the risk factors, variables, and the development of the PCNSI will be shown through tables, associations, and graphics with the goal of answering the main question. Whichisthe incidence, the causal agents, and the risk factors of the post-operative central nervous infections in patients older than 16 years old that underwent into neurological procedures in the hospital Fundación Cardioinfantil in Bogotá, Colombia; from January 2012 to June 2017?