Propuesta de fortalecimiento empresarial para la microempresa Multiaseo Guachetá.
Hernández Cubillos, Liz Daniela
Hernández Ladino, Yency Yurely
This project formulates a proposal for business strengthening in the Multiaseo Guachetá microenterprise, is dedicated to the production and development of cleaning products, which is located in the municipality of Guachetá Cundinamarca. In addition, this project aims to formulate strategies that impr:ove the increase in productivity and also reduce the shortcomings in the administrative, commercial and productive area. Currently the microenterprise partners offer and deliver the products directly to customers, however, they do not have the marketing and advertising strategies that impact the sale and delivery of the final product, in the same way they do not have a strategic planning and neither opportune functions are found, thus revealing a low commitment of the commissions by the members, on the other hand the processes are not standardized, there is no payroll payment, nor a cost analysis, through this project the productivity, since the proposals directly attack the previously described problems.