Prescripción antibiótica en la atención ambulatoria del servicio de emergencia del Hospital III de EsSalud de Iquitos en el año 2009
Calle Vela, Luis Alberto
Yactayo Gongora, Juan Carlos
Determina las características de la prescripción antibiótica en la atención ambulatoria del servicio de emergencia del Hospital III de EsSalud de Iquitos, en el año 2009 Objective: to determinate characteristics of antibiotic prescription in ambulatory care of
emergency service of Hospital III EsSalud – 2009.
Introduction: In the clinic practice is frequent watching various kind of prescription
unsuitable antibiotic such us: prescription in no bacterian infection, administration of
insufficient dose and during inadequate period, no adhesion of the patient to the
treatment, neglect of medication once the symptom disappear; carrying to two important
problem bacteria resistant and upper cost of the attention.
Methodology: The work is a non-experimental research, retrospective, descriptive, and
Sample: Were evaluated 458 patients in emergency service of hospital III EsSalud
2009. .Its evaluated emergency attention paper, prescription order and report of hospital
management system for getting information about age, sex, schedule of attention,
infection morbility, diagnose kind, therapy kind, characteristic of prescription.
Results: The study shown that 68.8% medical prescription of antibiotics indicated in
the emergency service III EsSalud Hospital was unsuitable indications, and 35.9% was
suitable .The prescription was suitable with more frequency in people older than 60
years old, 41.9%,in male 38.7%, in the morning schedule 40.8%.In 68.8 % (315) of
infectious cases were prescription ordered any antibiotic. The infections with more
antibiotic medical prescription were urinary tract infection (UTI), cellulite, skin
infection, pneumonia, bronchiolitis. Minus medical prescription were rhinopharyngitis
and virus cases. The antibiotics group more prescription were natural penicillin (38.1%),
quinolone (22.5%), penicillin of major spectrum (10.2%), and lincosamide (9.2%).The
antibiotics prescription ordered with more frequency were penicillin procain (24.8%),
ciprofloxacin tab (16.2%), penicillin benzathine (13.3%), amoxicillin (10.2%),
dicloxacillin (7.6%) and clindamycin (7.3%).
Conclusions: The antibiotics are a medicine group of most utility in the world,
nevertheless are the cause of more inconvenient such us: adverse effects including
serious or mortal, up of resistant bacteria, augment in sanitary expend, for this is
necessary updating and diffusing of medical guides, and keep a training constant