Parasitic infections in renal transplantation patients

dc.creatorPérez, C.
dc.creatorMocarquer, A.
dc.creatorMorales, J.
dc.creatorMiranda, C.
dc.creatorApt, W.
dc.creatorGomez, L.
dc.creatorZulantay, I.
dc.description.abstractWe performed indirect hemagglutination tests for toxoplasmosis and Chagas disease, complement fixation test for toxoplasmosis, stool examination for parasites and Graham test for enteroparasites in 51 patients before and after renal transplant. Post transplant surveys were performed at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months. 18 patients who were positive for toxoplasmosis remained so and 5 new asymptomatic cases were detected in the post transplant period (15%). Two patients who were positive for Chagas disease remained positive and asymptomatic. One patient receiving a kidney from a Chagas positive donor remains negative. Asymptomatic enteric infection was detected in 45% of patients at some time during follow up: amebic infection (25%), giardiasis (14%) and oxyuriasis (24%). Two patients showed asymptomatic cryptosporidiasis.
dc.relationRevista Medica de Chile
dc.titleInfecciones parasitarias en trasplantados renales
dc.titleParasitic infections in renal transplantation patients

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