dc.description.abstract | REASERCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is showing the idea of liberty as inherent in the process of secularization, from which it results; the author appeals to the anthropological thesis drawing its significance from the relational character of the human being as created by God and shows how the secularization destroys this idea of the human person. THE REASERCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: What happens when the liberty is understood as liberation and autonomy towards to God and finally causes result contradictory to the intended one? The author applies the hermeneutic and critical method, referring to the different authors, for example to Henri de Lubac, Romano Guardini, J. Ratzinger, saint John Paul II. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article analysis the problem of the contradiction between liberty and liberation in Catholic thought. The main item in this argumentation is that the liberty should not be understood as liberation towards to God because of the destructive effects of the secularization process in the Catholic doctrine and Church. REASERCH RESULTS: The liberty understood as an absolute and liberation breaking with the Creator degenerates finally into artifice devoid of rational fundament, in short, of real contents; it is like human epiphenomenon. The new humanism brings the negation and destruction of the human being recognizing his humanity and maturity by breaking with God. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Modernity is the source and the root of the secularization. The idea of liberty devoid of fundament in the human being and the person of God complicates seriously the human coexistence and social life, as admitted once Habermas. | |