Current-Fed Multilevel Converters : An Overview of Circuit Topologies, Modulation Techniques, and Applications
Universidad San Sebastián
Universidad San Sebastián
Gnanasambandam, Kulothungan
Rathore, Akshay Kumar
Edpuganti, Amarendra
Srinivasan, Dipti
Rodriguez, Jose
Multilevel converters (MLCs) have emerged as standard power electronic converters in high power as well as quality demanding applications. They are classified into current-fed MLCs and voltage-fed MLCs. Voltage-fed MLCs have widely researched whereas the current-fed MLCs are the recent topic of research. Based on the principle of duality between voltage and current sources, several current-fed MLCs analogous to voltage-fed MLCs have been identified. Current-fed MLCs offer several advantages in terms of high power capability, transformerless operation, short-circuit protection, and excellent quality of output current waveform. The goal of this paper is: 1) to present review of circuit topologies, modulation schemes, and applications of current-fed MLCs; and 2) to review an emerging low-device switching frequency modulation technique known as synchronous optimal pulsewidth modulation for current-fed MLCs. The circuit configuration and advantages of each topology along with various modulation techniques are discussed in detail. Compared to voltage-fed MLCs, the operation of current-fed MLCs need to satisfy additional switching constraints. A survey of classical methods for realization of these operational constraints has been done and a new generalized method has been proposed. Finally, future scope of research has been presented to encourage further development of topologies and modulation techniques for current-fed MLCs.