Comparison between nighttime ionosonde, incoherent scatter radar, AE‐E satellite, and HF Doppler observations of F region vertical electrodynamic plasma drifts in the vicinity of the magnetic equator
2006-11-23Registro en:
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Oyekola, Oyedemi S.
Nighttime F region vertical drifts were made using an ionosonde for the equatorial station Ibadan (7.4°N, 3.9°E, 6°S dip) from 1 year of data during 1957–1958 International Geophysical Year (IGY) that corresponds to a period of solar maximum for undisturbed condition. We compare the seasonal vertical drifts with measurements made by incoherent scatter radar, AE‐E satellite, and HF Doppler for equatorial F region vertical drifts. We find a comparable variability pattern during periods of high F layer heights during equinox and the December solstice, and the opposite behavior occurs during June solstice. The drifts are predominantly downward between 2000 and 0500 LT intervals. Ionosonde drifts are smaller in values by either a factor of two or three than other methods, except for consistent June solstice ionosonde and satellite magnitudes. The equinoctial average prereversal enhancements measured by the four techniques are roughly comparable (about 36 m/s) and occur at the same local time (1900 LT) for all the seasons. The evening reversal times are similar, apart from June solstice that exhibits large variations. The morning reversal times are also in accord except for the equinoctial Jicamarca drift. Our observations indicate that ionosonde drifts measurements are in better agreement with vertical drifts results at other equatorial stations.