Highly seasonal suspended sediment and bed load transport dynamic in tropical mountain catchments
Morera Julca, Sergio Byron
Craive, Alain
Guyot, Jean-Loup
Hydrology and sedimentology development have been very limited in Peru in comparison to other sciences due to a lack of reliable suspended sediment data. A new na-tional suspended sediment yield (SSY) dataset (1948-2012) has been collected and processed. Nevertheless, to understand erosion rates across the continent it is im-portant to quantify the total sediment load (TSL) leaving the basin; also, a good knowledge of the transport pro-cesses for hydraulic design is required. Unfortunately, in Peru there is no current measurement of bed load, which could represent from 0% to 100% of the TSL. Field measurements of bed load transport are notoriously diffi-cult and have large uncertainties, because it is both spa-tially and temporally highly variable in mountain catch-ments. This study aimed to quantify and characterize the TSL from the west-central Andes Mountains.