Registro de control en el marco de Empresas de agua potable en Chincha en el 2019
Pisconte Vera, Fiorella Geraldine
The present study was carried out in order to identify the method of registering
stocks of the municipal company and drinking water sanitation service, Chincha,
2019, a methodology based on a quantitative approach was applied, with a
descriptive approach of cutting transactional and entry-level. The sample
consisted of 54 collaborators and the method for obtaining the sample size was
simple random probability, an ad hoc questionnaire was applied. Reaching the
following results, 77.8% of the workers comply with the expense documentation
control, also 87% always verify the accounting control activity and 92% always
practice the accounting of funds and values. The conclusion was that there is a
normative and procedural process in the control of products and supplies in the
institution, as well as compliance with current regulations in the physical logistics
KEY WORDS: Inventory, supplies, control record, drinking water