Technical Report
Protecting school infrastructure against earthquake risks in Peru
Rahman, Shaela
Metropolitan Lima is subject to frequent seismic activity that can damage critical infrastructure such as schools and threaten the lives of schoolchildren. In Lima, more than 64 percent of schools are highly vulnerable to earthquakes, which leaves more than 600,000 children at risk. The Peruvian Ministry of Education (MINEDU), in partnership with the World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), is working in Lima to mitigate against damage, protect students against the impact of earthquakes, and ensure the potential for educational development. Through the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (CAPRA) Program, an initiative that aims to strengthen institutional capacity for assessing, understanding, and communicating disaster risk, the World Bank and the government of Peru have worked to promote the application of risk-related data for better informed decision making. The program applies the use of CAPRA software, a free resource for risk analysis and decision-making. GFDRR has supported these efforts through technical assistance and advisory services. MINEDU will formulate the National School Infrastructure Plan to construct, rehabilitate, replace, improve, and maintain school infrastructure countrywide, as well as to identify, design, prioritize, and implement the required public investments according to the Plan. The World Bank and GFDRR will support MINEDU in preparing this plan in 2015.