Case Report: Calcified Cerebral Toxoplasmosis Associated with Perilesional Edema in People Living with HIV/AIDS: Case Series of a Presentation Mimicking Neurocysticercosis
Perilesional edema, associated or not with neurological manifestations, is a well-characterized finding in cases of calcified neurocysticercosis. There are no previous reports of HIV-related calcified toxoplasmosis that mimics this presentation of neurocysticercosis. We report on five patients, four of them with new-onset neurological manifestations, who showed brain calcifications associated with perilesional edema. All cases had a history of HIV-related toxoplasmosis and current virological and immunological control of HIV infection. Similar to neurocysticercosis, brain calcified toxoplasmosis may cause perilesional edema and symptoms in people living with HIV/AIDS.