Hiposalivación y xerostomia en pacientes con enfermedades sistémicas.
Otero Sánchez, Jorge David
El objetivo de esta revisión fue analizar la literatura sobre la xerostomía y la hipofunción de las glándulas salivales y, específicamente, las causas subyacentes, el impacto en la calidad de vida y los enfoques de manejo recomendados. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica, utilizando las bases de datos electrónicas de MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS y Google Scholar, para artículos de investigación originales en idioma inglés, ya publicados o en estado "en prensa" en revistas revisadas por pares. literatura. Se utilizaron los términos “xerostomía”, “sustituto de la saliva”, “saliva artificial”, “estimulación salival”, y “formulaciones de fármacos para la boca seca”. Enlaces relacionados hasta 2021, así como los artículos referenciados en los trabajos recuperados inicialmente, también se han tenido en cuenta y se incluyeron en caso de ser pertinente. Después de un análisis cuidadoso de los resultados de estas búsquedas, 132 artículos cumplieron con nuestros criterios, como se menciona a continuación, y se incluyeron en esta revisión.Abstract
The aim of this review was to review the literature on xerostomia and salivary gland hypofunction, and specifically the underlying causes, impact on quality of life, and recommended management approaches. A literature search was performed, using the electronic databases of MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar, for original research articles in the English language, already published or in press status in peer-reviewed journals. literature. The terms “xerostomia”, “saliva substitute”, “artificial saliva”, “salivary stimulation”, and “dry mouth drug formulations” were used. Related links up to 2021, as well as the articles referenced in the initially retrieved papers, have also been taken into account and included if relevant. After careful analysis of the results of these searches, 132 articles met our criteria, as mentioned below, and were included in this review. The aim of this review was to review the literature on xerostomia and salivary gland hypofunction, and specifically the underlying causes, impact on quality of life, and recommended management approaches. A literature search was performed, using the electronic databases of MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar, for original research articles in the English language, already published or in press status in peer-reviewed journals. literature. The terms “xerostomia”, “saliva substitute”, “artificial saliva”, “salivary stimulation”, and “dry mouth drug formulations” were used. Related links up to 2021, as well as the articles referenced in the initially retrieved papers, have also been taken into account and included if relevant. After careful analysis of the results of these searches, 132 articles met our criteria, as mentioned below, and were included in this review.