Fluorosis dental en niños
Espinoza Olaya, Tamara Fernanda
La Fluorosis dental (FD) es un problema de salud endémico, que se da por un defecto en la formación del esmalte dental, que es ocasionado la administración de flúor de manera excesiva. Como son pigmentaciones que cambian de blanco a marrón oscuro, afectan el esmalte e incluso la dentina, en algunos casos destruyen estos componentes, y la enfermedad afecta la autoestima del portador de fluorosis dental. Hoy en día, diversos estudios demuestran que la fluorosis, y su prevalencia sigue aumentando, a pesar de la información ya analizada, por lo que se ven ciudades sin gestión ni control y altos niveles de flúor en el agua que se supone deben alimentar.
Palabras clave: FD, Niños, Factores Riesgo, Etiología, Manchas Blancas, Tratamientos.niveles de flúor en el agua que se supone deben alimentar. Dental Fluorosis (DF) is an endemic health problem, which is caused by a defect in the formation of dental enamel, which is caused by excessive administration of fluoride. As they are pigmentations that change from white to dark brown, they affect the enamel and even the dentin, in some cases they destroy these components, and the disease affects the self-esteem of the dental fluorosis carrier. Today, various studies show that fluorosis, and its prevalence continues to increase, despite the information already analyzed, which is why cities are seen without management or control and high levels of fluoride in the water that they are supposed to feed. Objective: determine the incidence and severity of dental fluorosis in children. Methodology: The research design is Qualitative since it is a bibliographical work that provides information from different documents and medical health journals worldwide, which through a simplified synthesis reveals Dental Fluorosis in children. Result: Mild fluorosis was associated with higher socioeconomic status, while greater severity of fluorosis was associated with soft drink consumption, controlling for age, socioeconomic status, and water fluoride concentration. Excessive and chronic ingestion of fluoride during amelogenesis can lead to the development of dental fluorosis, characterized by opaque whitish areas or yellow to dark brown discolorations occasionally in combination with porosities on the enamel surface.
Keywords: DF, Children, Risk Factors, Etiology, White Stains, Treatments