Empujones verdes para la Universidad de Cuenca: una propuesta de desarrollo sostenible
Merchán Carranza, Daniela Susana
In recent times, interest in solving social problems associated with the preservation and
conservation of the environment has a growing trend. Thus, behavioral law establishes
options that seek to encourage changes in citizen behavior through nudges or pushes in
different areas. An example of what has been mentioned is the initiative of the United
Nations Environment Program (UNEP) through the book "The little book of green pushes",
in which universities are urged to implement actions that guarantee the sustainability.
In this context, the present investigation arises with the objective of proposing to create a
proposal for the University of Cuenca based on the recommendations of UNEP, for which
a type of hermeneutic study was used through documentary review, surveys, interviews and
groups. focal points to the main actors of the university under study. The results show that
teachers and administrators have different perceptions and availability in accepting green
pushes, which is why different strategies are proposed that adhere to the UNEP