Frecuencia y gravedad del trauma cráneo encefálico por accidentes en motocicleta en el área de emergencia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Cuenca, 2015-2020
Pesántez Jara, María José
Background: Encephalo-cranial trauma (ECT) is a frequent patalogy in traffic accidents worldwide, motorcycles are the most involved vehicles; reporting as the second leading cause of death in underdeveloped countries. Depending on the severity of the injury and the Glasgow Scale score, the patient's mortality or sequelae are determined.
General goal: to determinate the frequency, and severity od the cranial brain trauma cause by motorcycle accidents in the ER from Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital. Cuenca (HVCM), 2015-2020.
Materials and methods: transversal, descriptive, retrospective studies, where diagnostic sheets of the cranial brain trauma, caused by motorcycle traffic accidents were included. The studied variables were sociodemographic characterization, hospitals, and legal doctors. The information was recolected by the statistics services from Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital, and the data was analyzed and presented in frequency and percentage charts for the qualitative, quantitative, and standar deviation variables.
Results: male gender predominated (93.2%), young adult (86.3%), urbane area (55.9%), with high school studies (46.6%). The cranial brain trauma was mild (44.1%), predominating the subdural hematoma (26.8%). It came with the cranial brain trauma the maxillofacial as well (19.4%). People who did not wear a helmet were 38.5%. On a Sunday (30.4%), and on nigh time (28.6%). Neurosurgical surgery was necessary (31.1%). Mortality of a 18%.
Conclusions: The cranial brain trauma was mild the most common injury in young male adults, with a mortality of 18%, and more frequently in 2019.