Desarrollo de un modelo de jardín de agua lluvia empleando sistemas urbanos de drenaje sostenibles (SUDS), para disminuir las escorrentías pluviales, en un tramo de la Av. Fray Vicente Solano, comprendidas entre las Av. Remigio Crespo Toral y 27 de febrero de la ciudad de Cuenca
Azogue Sigcha, Edgar Vinicio
Ortiz Guaman, Jonnattan Xavier
The growing increase in infrastructure in cities leads to a replacement of natural spaces by permeable surfaces as the population increases. So causes an alteration in the water processes of the water, causing
an increase in the flows and volumes of runoff, that directly harm the conventional drainage systems that occur on Avenida Fray Vicente Solano in the city of Cuenca. In recent years, systems have been developed
to better manage rainwater through sustainable urban drainage systems (Suds), So, they allow to take advantage of this resource to reuse it and not alter its hydrological process.
This research seeks to offer solutions to the different problems generated when managing rainwater, in order to propose strategies for rainwater management.
In character of design is proposed, a model of rain garden using sustainable urban drainage
systems (Suds) in an urban environment, which is located in the green space of the party wall of Ave. Fray Vicente Solano delimited by Ave. Remigio Crespo Toral and February 27,in addition, through a road and pre-existence analysis, value was given to the urban space, creating areas of stay and transition with the
aim of to potentiate the already established land use.