Enfermedad periodontal como factor asociado para un mal pronóstico por COVID-19: revisión de la literatura
Carmona Loayza, Dalys Ariana
Objective: The objective of this narrative review is to identify if periodontal disease
may be an associated factor in the development of a poor prognosis for COVID-19.
Method: A bibliographic search was done In PubMed, Virtual Health Library,
Google Scholar, and in the databases of Science Direct, Scopus, Lilacs, Bireme,
Scielo and Web of Science, using the following keywords, “COVID-19,” “SARSCoV-2” and “Periodontal Diseases.” Results and discussion: Fifty-six records
were retrieved from the database searches. After screening, 39 articles were
selected for study: 13 reviews, 2 case-control studies, 1 systematic review, 8
letters to the editor, 2 cohort studies, 1 thesis, 7 hypotheses, 1 short
communication, 3 commentaries, and 1 scoping review. During periodontal disease
and COVID-19, an inflammatory response is generated. This immune response,
present in the two diseases, generates an over-production of inflammatory
cytokines that can harm the patient’s health. Conclusion: The mouth serves as
the entryway for many microorganisms that can harm health in general, among
them SARS-CoV-2. It is important to maintain good oral health to lower the
inflammatory load present during periodontal disease, lessening the possibility of
presenting complications during COVID-19.