Caso clínico 1: tumor de timo. Caso clínico 2: persistencia de conducto onfalomesentérico en adultos
Bautista Vásquez, Ángel Fernando
Clinical case thymus tumor
Introduction: Thymomas are epithelial neoplasms of the thymus gland, it is located behind the
sternum and plays an important role in the immune system before birth. Thymus tumors are rare
and represent 2% of mediastinal tumors. The gold standard in treatment is the surgical act;
Therefore, the objective is to describe the clinical case as a contribution to the scientific
Case report: A 67-year-old female patient, with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity,
productive cough of three months of evolution, went to the clinician for control, who requested a
CT scan and revealed a mass located in the anterior mediastinum. a biopsy is then performed,
confirming the diagnosis of thymoma.
Conclusions: Thymus tumors (thymoma) are rare pathologies, most of them are diagnosed as
findings, they are generally asymptomatic, difficult to identify, so high diagnostic suspicion is
needed. Its treatment is surgical after obtaining a biopsy for planning surgery.
Clinical case persistent omphalomesenteric duct in adults.
Introduction: When naming umbilical diseases, reference is made to multiple pathologies that
can affect the umbilical cord, they can be acquired or congenital. The most representative are
the persistence of the urachus and the omphalomesenteric duct, which are common in children
but rare in adults.
Case report: A 68-year-old male patient, from a rural area, a farmer, with a history of hypertension,
osteoarthritis with treatment, conventional prostatectomy more than 20 years ago, and umbilical
discharge since childhood. He went to the emergency room after a physician's evaluation, due to
the presence of “purulent” discharge at the umbilical level, pain, and erythema. He was admitted
to internal medicine with a diagnosis of cellulitis versus abscess. The surgery service was
consulted, which decided on surgical resolution with the following finding: entero-umbilical fistula
70 cm from the ileocecal valve due to persistent omphalomesenteric duct. On the eighth day of
hospitalization, he was discharged, with a favorable evolution, outpatient treatment and outpatient
Conclusions: The persistence of the omphalomesenteric duct in adults is a rare entity. In general,
patients suffering from this condition are asymptomatic or report small amounts of umbilical
secretion that goes unnoticed. Its diagnosis is incidental, usually during imaging tests. and it is
more infrequent is that it presents complications in advanced ages. The definitive treatment when
diagnosed is surgical.