Hallazgos ecográficos para la determinación del sexo fetal durante el primer trimestre del embarazo en pacientes atendidas en el Centro de Salud N°1 Pumapungo. Cuenca, 2021
Morocho Maldonado, Lorena Andrea
The determination of the fetal sex at early ages of gestation is not only important for the knowledge of parents and relatives, but it can play an important role as part of the investigation and search for alterations in the development of pregnancy in patients with a history of diseases. sex linked. The objective of this study was to identify the ultrasound findings for the determination of fetal sex in the first trimester of pregnancy in patients attended at the Pumapungo Health Center No. 1, this was an observational, prospective and descriptive study in which included 115 single gestations with a cranial-caudal length between 41 and 79 mm, in which fetal sex determination was performed in a routine ultrasonographic examination between 11 and 13.6 weeks during the year 2021 by measuring from the angle of the genital tubercle with the lumbosacral skin of the fetus and contrasting it with the sex at birth. Descriptive statistics were applied, and it was found that the correct rate for fetal sex determination by ultrasound in the first trimester was 88.7%, being higher for male fetuses with 92.1% compared to female fetuses with 86.5. %. In addition, a greater precision in the differentiation of the fetal sex was evidenced in a range between 12 to 12.6 weeks with 90.7%. With a cranial-caudal length ≥ 76 mm, the rate of success in determining the fetal sex was higher than 91.2%.