| bachelorThesis
Modelo para optimizar variables críticas de inventarios en el sector retail de alimentos mediante el uso de diseño de experimentos
Ochoa Dávila, Damián Xavier
Currently, retail is one of the most dynamic sectors in Ecuador and the world, as there is
direct contact with the final consumers, this has evolved with stability in recent years and
with great projection for the future. In Latin America in 2017 sales amounted to $1.9
billion, expecting that by 2022 it will reach $2.35 billion. The problem arises in how retail
companies relate the variables: arrangement and location of products on a shelf and number
of existing branches with the variable response “selling price”, this arises since most
retailers are not aware of the impact of these factors on their business. For this reason, a
general model based on the experimental design was developed to analyze the relationship
of a variable with the mentioned factors in order, to find optimization to maximize retail
sales and at the same time to improve the management, inventory processes, association
and arrangement of the ítems, for which the design of multivariate experiments was used.
The literature review was conducted using the documentary research technique. The
analyzed study data were collected from previously conducted academic essays, where they
were treated and analyzed using statistical software with its Design of Experiments module
where the results were interpreted, which showed that, although individually the
arrangement and location of products on a shelf and number of branches of the company
are essential to achieve maximum sales in a retail store, the relationship between these two
factors does not exist. Likewise, it was shown that the most significant factor was the
arrangement of the articles, as opposed to the number of branches, which was possible to
show that it is an adjustment factor, which needs to be improved.