La separación de Ecuador de UNASUR y sus repercusiones en el proceso de integración regional. Un análisis desde la geopolítica crítica
Rocano Matute, Jesús Agustín
This research analyzes, from a critical geopolitical perspective, the factors that intervened in
the separation of Ecuador from Unasur, and its consequences for the integration of Latin
America. The scope of the study is descriptive, with a documentary analysis and
interpretation methodology. Among the results obtained, it is highlighted that Unasur was
created with the objective of regional integration to address political, social, economic and
development issues. Ecuador, in its process of integration to this organization, manifested a
geopolitical model driven by the proposal of ‘Buen Vivir’, prioritizing an active role in
international relations, and the overcoming of the bipolar world paradigm. There are two
factors that intervened in Ecuador's decision to disassociate itself from Unasur. First, the
political and ideological shift of the government towards conservatism. Second, an external
factor driven by power groups, whose intention has been to recover spaces of power in Latin
America after the advent of progressivism. Finally, in recent years, processes of geopolitical
change have been observed in several countries of the region, evidenced by popular protests
and presidential elections