Efectos de los roles de género en torno a cuidados/trabajo doméstico en mujeres y hombres de las comunidades de Huachi y San Pedro, en el 2022
Litardo Rocho, Carla Rocío
Solórzano Meza, Evelyn Bélgica
The capitalist-patriarchal economic system is responsible for the sexual division of labor, designating
roles to each gender where women are the most affected by the overload of domestic and care
activities and agricultural work. Thus, this research aims to understand the effects of gender roles on
care and domestic work from the perspective of men and women in the San Pedro de Santa Ana
community in Cuenca and the Huachi de Dug-Dug community in Paute. Likewise, for the
methodology, the study used a mix method approach for data collection. For the quantitative data, a
sociodemographic survey was applied, which allowed the gathering of disaggregated data on the
inhabitants of each community. For the qualitative data, interviews were conducted using semi-
structured scripts with adult men and women residents in the communities. The results showed that gender roles mainly affect women since it is normalized that the responsibility for care activities and
domestic work corresponds to women; in contrast, men have more opportunities to access jobs
outside the home, exempting them from care tasks.