Objeto de apego: el arte desde el recuerdo
Herrera Moncayo, Emelin Yamilet
Art, memory and attachment to certain objects with which one lives in early childhood are
used as a way to make visible and rescue the world of innocence, creativity, fantasy and
imagination in infants from 6 to 8 years old, starting from his own perspective to sensitize the
adult about the importance of these memories as a way of redefining the objects, considered
to be discarded upon reaching adulthood. For this, it was necessary to create a drawing,
painting and collage creation workshop that provide inspirational inputs that will be
reinterpreted in clothing and installed in a structure as a clothesline. The final result pays
tribute to Research Line no. 1 "Creative processes in the arts and design" of the Faculty of
Arts of the University of Cuenca (Ecuador).