Estrategias para el desarrollo turístico de la comunidad Quilloac del cantón Cañar a partir de su patrimonio cultural
Loján Clavijo, Henry Marcelo
This intervention work will generate strategies for the tourism development of the
Quiloac community of Cañar canton based on its cultural heritage. For which we
will start with a current diagnosis of the mentioned community and thus have a
better knowledge about the territory under study. Likewise, an inventory of tourist
attractions and resources will be drawn up in order to cadastre, hierarchize, weigh
and geographically associate these resources. Finally, the tourist potential of this
community will be analyzed with the purpose of knowing which attractions are
more viable for the development of community tourism in this sector, which helps
local progress. That is, this work will serve as support for the Quilloac community
to value its culture and at the same time develop it through tourism, achieving
social economic growth in that community, in addition this will help Quilloac to be
recognized as a tourist attraction at the cantonal and provincial level.
Keywords: Quilloac. Tourism. Strategies. Tourism development.