Propuesta de actividades ecoturísticas en el área protegida de bosque y vegetación protectora Machángara Tomebamba
Barrera Bernal, María Belén
Ojeda Salas, Karina Valeria
This intervention project "Proposal for Ecotourism Activities in the Protected Area of Forest and Protective Vegetation Machángara Tomebamba" has the objective of proposing ecotourism activities for the Protected Area of Forest and Protective Vegetation Machángara Tomebamba "to diversify the ecotourism offer of the canton of Cuenca with the purpose of publicizing all the biodiversity of the area and its potential for tourism.
Thus, as the first part of the project, a contemplation of the current state of the parish is carried out, its historical background, geographical delimitation, biotic - abiotic factors, political and social organization, economic activities and tourism potential in the protected area.
In this way, a study of relevant points is carried out for the implementation of the necessary infrastructure for ecotourism activities according to the parameters and needs of the area in order to improve the quality of life of the population. Ultimately, and with all the information correctly analyzed, the outstanding tools are detailed for the development of tourist activities within the Machángara Tomebamba Forest and Protected Vegetation Area, which belongs to the Chiquintad parish, that with help of correct dissemination and information the community concerned can be reached.
Keywords: Chiquintad, protected area, ecotourism, ecotourism activities