Plan de marketing para la comercialización de los hoteles 2 estrellas de la ciudad de Cuenca ubicados en el Centro Histórico, 2021, caso de estudio: Hotel Posada del Ángel, Siena Hotel y Hotel La Cigale.
Morocho Lupercio, Jenny Maritza
Nowadays, marketing is a fundamental element that has gained importance over
the years and to a greater extent after the health crisis caused by Covid-19, so
within the hotel sector having a marketing plan is essential, since it serves as a key
tool to manage a company because it allows you to have a clear vision of the final
objective, as well as the actions to be taken into account for the achievement of
goals, it also enables the good development of a hotel establishment and thus
position the brand against the competition. The purpose of this intervention project
is to develop a marketing plan for the commercialization of the 2-star hotels in the
city of Cuenca located in the historic center, applied to the hotels: Posada del
Ángel, Siena Hotel and Hotel La Cigale, the same that proposes marketing mix
and digital marketing strategies, seeking to improve its image within the Cuencano
The study was structured under a mixed approach: qualitative and quantitative, in
which it was developed through three methodological phases: in the first phase a
situational and commercial diagnosis of the hotels of the study was made through
fieldwork using an observation sheet, later structured surveys were applied to
national and foreign tourists to determine the target audience, in addition
interviews with owners and / or managers of the establishments to propose
marketing strategies according to the reality of the same and finally digital
marketing strategies were established based on the PRGS model. The results
obtained concluded that it is feasible to elaborate this marketing plan since the
three hotels have a low occupancy rate despite having an attractive infrastructure,
privileged location and services according to the characteristics of each hotel.
Keywords: Marketing, marketing plan, strategy, hotel, digital marketing,