La legitimidad de la alcaldía de Pedro Palacios en las parroquias de Molleturo y el Vecino
Huerta Pintado, Erika Mercedes
Lozano Noriega, Joseline Daniela
The present work is an investigation about the legitimacy of a political representative in the
City of Cuenca, using the parish "El Vecino" and "Molleturo" as a case study. Legitimacy
understood as the degree of acceptance that a political representative has. The objective of
the research is: "Analyze the legitimacy of the Mayor of Pedro Palacios in the parishes of
Molleturo and El Vecino". An analysis of Legitimacy is carried out in three dimensions;
Efficiency, Transparency and Social control and Citizen Participation. We will work with
authors such as Weber, Habermas, Aldaz, Maldonado.
In addition, we will address the differentiation between urban and rural; and how this influences
or not the legitimacy of political representatives. As for the methodology to be used, it is of a
mixed approach. From a qualitative perspective with interviews with key informants and
quantitatively through surveys. The results reveal that the Legitimacy regarding Pedro
Palacios is average. Regarding the variables, the effectiveness is greater in urban areas, the
following variables, Transparency and Social Control and Social Participation are low in urban
and rural areas, however, other political behaviors are also perceived, such as trust and