Vulneración de derechos: libertad de expresión, de lo laboral y protección en periodistas de Cuenca
Hidalgo Tuquiñagui, Tamara Noemi
Peralta Guachichullca, Henry Gustavo
The following degree: Infringement of rights: Speech freedom of labor aspect and protection
to journalists of Cuenca has analyzed two main events, such as: the outcry on October 2019, in
which there were assaults, censure, and bias according to the broadcast emitted. On the other
hand, in accordance with the Fundamedios organization until the month of December 2021,
pandemic COVID-19 left 35 dead journalists, due to lack of execution of biosafety protocols.
At the same time 700 fires from work were counted by the organization. The study of this
degree work emerges from a qualitative methodology with gathering information through
interviews and remarks. The existence of infringement of rights was manifested to the
communicators despite the existence of Organic Law of Communication, which guarantees
protection to the journalists in their freedom of tasks. In conclusion, the matter of
communication is limited to ideological interests of the media, such as: political, economical,
and personal aspects. The labor guarantees were not appropriate to practice the profession