La contaminación visual en las diversas comunidades del cantón Déleg
Flores Mendieta, Jameli Noelia
In the present titling work, through a doctrinal and practical legal analysis, the problem of visual
contamination in the city of Déleg was evidenced, which is a consequence of several polluting
factors that urgently need to be regulated in order to mitigate them and in itself prevent its
advance, since the non-existent legislation is demonstrated by the Decentralized Municipal
Autonomous Government of Déleg. Thus, the design of this investigation allows us to understand
as a first point, the problem of pollution in general, then, the consistency of the type of "visual"
contamination is determined, the violated rights and principles belonging to the branch of Public
Law that is Urban Environmental Law, and finally, the realization of a normative proposal for an
ordinance for the regulation of visual pollution in the Déleg canton of the province of Cañar. All
this through an analytical, qualitative, legal and comparative methodological combination, through
the application of techniques, highlighting: direct observation, photographic record, surveys of
inhabitants and frequent visitors, interviews with community leaders, authorities and
environmental experts. Revealing that the result achieved by this project is very significant not
only for the inhabitants of the Déleg canton, but for all the decentralized autonomous governments
of the province of Cañar.