Frequency and Factors Associated with Sexual Response During Pregnancy
Vanegas Coveña, Diana Patricia
Matute Nuñez, Dario Alexander
Brito Mogrovejo, Paul Fabricio
Rodas Vanegas, Maria Jose
Lituma Campoverde, Gladys Magdalena
Rodas Vanegas, Adrian Fernando
Background: During pregnancy, the woman’s body undergoes deep biopsychosocial and hormonal
changes, which can lead to the appearance of complications and alterations in sexual response.
Objective: To determine the frequency and factors associated with alterations in sexual response during
pregnancy in the Gynecology service of the Carlos Elizalde Health Center, in Cuenca, year 2021.
Methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The sample was 285 pregnant women.
The Pregnancy Sexual Response Inventory (PSRI) was used. Data analysis was performed in SPSS v.25
software; descriptive statistics were presented in frequencies and percentages; the association was
analyzed by significant chi-square for 0.05.
Results: 76.5% are between 20 and 34 years old; they are married or in a stable union; 61.4% are high
school graduates; 90.2%, Catholic. Very good sexual response was 30.9% before pregnancy, decreasing
to 24.9% during pregnancy, in which poor sexual response was more frequent, with 25.6%. There was a significant change in all sexual response variables during pregnancy (p<0.05) and there is an association with gestational age, tobacco and illicit drug use, and pregnancy planning.
Conclusion: The sexual response of pregnant women is altered by pregnancy, decreasing as it progresses until the third trimester.