La dismorfia corporal desde una propuesta artística visual encaminada al logro estético de lo sublime
Durán González, Karla Esperanza
This project seeks to generate the interrelationship between work and spectator, from the Body
Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) represented under a sublime aesthetic, thus, the work focuses on
the subjective perception that connects the ideologies of beauty and ugliness. Eco (2004) is
interested in the transformation and relationship of the concepts of beauty, so the work alludes
to the transformation and relationship of the concepts of beauty and ugliness within aesthetics
over time, without neglecting the different perceptions to which these ideologies are subject.
With the purpose of expanding the work, entering the viewer, questions are raised such as: what
happens with what does not imitate beauty, where is everything that does not comply with
symmetry and proportion, what is ugly cannot be sublime?