Evaluación de tres dosis de fertirriego en el rendimiento del cultivo de ají jalapeño (Capsicum annuum L.) en invernadero.
2022-07-15Registro en:
Chicaiza Morales, Byron Javier. (2022). Evaluación de tres dosis de fertirriego en el rendimiento del cultivo de ají jalapeño (Capsicum annuum L.) en invernadero. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chicaiza Morales, Byron Javier
The objective of this research was to evaluate three fertigation doses on the yield of the jalapeno pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) crop under greenhouse conditions. It was used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) for the trial with a split-plot arrangement with two replications in which treatments corresponding to three fertigation doses (50%, 100%, 150%) were applied, in addition to two dosages of foliar fertilizer (100%, 150%). Fertigation was applied every three days, and a venturi system was used to supply the stock solution to the irrigation system, while foliar fertilization was applied every 15 days from the flowering stage with a knapsack pump. For data collection, it was chosen 10 plants at random within each treatment and repetition, and parameters such as the number of fruits cut per plant, fruit size, fruit weight, and yield in kg/ha were evaluated. For the statistical analysis, the Tukey test at 5% was used, resulting in significant differences in the number of fruits, size, and weight with the application of treatment 2, reaching an average yield of 28.9 T/ha and a benefit/cost ratio of $1.75. It was concluded that the best fertigation dose for the jalapeno pepper crop is T2 (100% fertigation dose + 150% foliar fertilization dose) because it produced fruits of greater weight and size. It is recommended to compare the dosage of Intagri with other types of solutions.