Gestión de branding turístico para el posicionamiento de la parroquia Pungalá, cantón Riobamba provincia de Chimborazo
2022-05-27Registro en:
Quintuña López, Mariana Yarina. (2022). Gestión de branding turístico para el posicionamiento de la parroquia Pungalá, cantón Riobamba provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Quintuña López, Mariana Yarina
The present work of Curricular Integration had as objective to develop the branding of the Pungalá parish for the positioning in the tourist sector of Chimborazo, where the methodology of mixed quantitative-qualitative approach was applied, a descriptive level, with the non-experimental and transversal design of documentary and field type, the population object of study constitutes the economically active population of Chimborazo that are 236 881 people. According to the data obtained in the market study, 55.20% of the female gender, aged 25 to 35 years, with incomes of $651 to $750, live in the canton of Riobamba with higher education, and 65.4% consider it important to visit tourist and cultural attractions as recreational activities for the benefit of physical and mental health, 80.70% have not heard or have been informed of the tourist attractions available in the parish, 39.80% consider the management of a brand too important and 80.70% would be willing to visit the parish. Therefore, it was found that tourism branding management based on Anholt's extended model, supported by the place branding manual, serves to position the parish in the tourism sector with a focus on community tourism and ecological sustainability, creating a connection with customers, generating a greater positioning in the market of Chimborazo with great expectations at national level, with appropriate strategies that allow its target audience to know the parish, to encourage them to visit it, to know its culture and traditions through the correct means of communication, transmitting the tourist brand as a unique identifier of the parish. In conclusion, the proposal developed will serve as a basis for the positioning of the tourist site in the medium and long term.