Plan de producción para la empresa INSERCONP de la ciudad de Riobamba
2022-08-04Registro en:
Shagñay Escudero, Héctor Stalyn. (2022). Plan de producción para la empresa INSERCONP de la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Shagñay Escudero, Héctor Stalyn
The present study was aimed to design a production plan to increase the productivity of the INSERCONP Company located in Riobamba city in order to maximize the production capacity of machines, managing to fulfill their orders on time and through a internal analysis propose strategies that improve the image and productivity of the company for a better recognition in the market. For the development of the proposal, a survey was applied to workers in the production area and an interview with its manager, with the aim of determining the shortcomings that the company face in this area. Once the discussion of results was carried out, the production plan was elaborated where the level of production that is expected to be elaborated in the short, medium and long term was determined, the products offered, the description of the processes and their respective flowcharts, the machinery that the company owns, the inventory level, the requirements of inputs and raw materials through suppliers and the production capacity of the machines, the capacity used and the estimated production capacity together with the estimated costs. In order to improve production processes and at the same time increase productivity, strategies are proposed that, according to the analysis, the company must carry out in order to have greater market recognition, purchasing policies for raw materials and supplies were established and a plant distribution to reduce time in the processes. It was determined that the company needs to improve its management regarding production and therefore it is recommended to put this proposal into practice and develop strategies always with a view to continuous improvement.