Evaluación de la contaminación acústica del área comercial de la ciudad de Macas, Morona Santiago
2022-06-07Registro en:
Urresta Segovia, Diana Gabriela. (2022). Evaluación de la contaminación acústica del área comercial de la ciudad de Macas, Morona Santiago. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
Urresta Segovia, Diana Gabriela
This study aims to evaluate the noise pollution in the commercial area in Macas, Morona Santiago, through the limit of the studying area of the updating plan for the soil occupancy, considering the area 07 as a low impact business and manufacturing sector. The research is based on a quantitative approach, consisting in developing a phenomenon description starting from its performance, and also calculations were made based on numerical data. It is a field and documentary research, as there were identified the points depending on the time and place and its measurements; data were collected, as to describe what causes the high levels of noise. Mapping was made by using ArcGIS software, through the regular grid method based on a fixed distance of grid intervals and it was carried out the dimensions of 120 m length and 115 m width, getting 47 monitoring points. Once essential data were collected, they were compared to the current environmental regulation as stipulated in 097A Ministerial Accord (annex 5), which describes the ‘allowed limits of environmental noise levels for fixed and mobile sources and vibrations’. As a result, it was determined the points exposed to the highest noise pollution, during November, December and January, daytime, afternoon and at night; tending to decrease as shown in the graphic (10-4). In conclusion, the affected area is between 6 and 10 blocks maximum as regards to acoustic emission coming from south-eastern area of Macas. It is recommended to create and update acoustical prediction maps every year, through monitoring and also prioritize to set up a municipal ordinance about the noise.