Evaluación del desempeño del talento humano del GAD municipal del cantón Cumandá
2022-10-14Registro en:
Armijos Pindo, Edwin David; Salinas Suqui, Karen Meliza. (2022). Evaluación del desempeño del talento humano del GAD municipal del cantón Cumandá. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Armijos Pindo, Edwin David
Salinas Suqui, Karen Meliza
This research work is oriented to evaluate the performance of the human talent of the GAD municipal of Cumandá canton, to know the state in which the staff develops their activities in the designated job, in this way to potentiate their abilities and achieve the organizational objectives. As for the methodology applied, the deductive and inductive method was used, information was gathered through field research, the techniques and instruments used were surveys, observation, and interviews, and the IN-GEP-02-02-FOR-02 form issued by the Ministry of Labor of Ecuador was used to apply the evaluation. The use of these tools allowed us to gather accurate information for the elaboration of the proposal. Through the assessment applied to 117 officials of the Municipal GAD, the following results were obtained considering four indicators: quality and timeliness of the products or services delivered at 44.84% ∕ 50%, specific knowledge at 26.44% ∕ 30%, technical skills with 7.66% ∕ 10%, behavioral skills 7.91% ∕ 10%. Concerning administrative sanctions, its value is 0%; as a result, in general, indexes a rating of 86.78% ∕ 100%, indicating that the overall performance of human talent is Very Good. In conclusion, they have done it practically and inconsistently due to the lack of training for those in charge of applying the evaluation in previous periods. There is also a need for more communication, which prevents the achievement of institutional objectives. It was recommended to create a training program and, after the evaluation, follow up and monitor those involved